Friday, 12 April 2013

Cussons Mum & Me - Review

Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend i know most of the uk has had snow even though its spring and we should all be starting to feel the warmer weather. Lilly hasn't been well this weekend, her Daddy had the flu and no matter how hard we tried to not pass it to Lilly it was impossible and she has it but today she seems better and is getting back to her playful self.

Today's Mummy Mondays i wanted to share with you my thoughts on the Cussons Mum & Me baby range. If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen a few months ago i posted this photo of Lilly and you can see she has a red rash on her cheeks. 

Why i stopped using Johnson's?
From when Lilly was born i have used Johnson's baby products, its the typical brand that i think most mums use and seems to be the best on the market, or so i thought. We all know the smell of Johnson's baby bath and lotion, you cant beat it and i was bought so much of the stuff before Lilly was born i was well and truly stocked up. When Lilly was a teeny tiny baby i used the lavender baby bath (the purple one) and i cant deny it smells lovely but the next day Lilly had this rash thing on her cheeks so i stopped using it, then the rash came back and i couldn't put my finger on what it was and she had been laying on her blanket which had just been freshly washed and i thought it was my fabric conditioner so i changed all of that and the rash seemed to go. I then noticed her cheeks, forehead and top of her arms were really dry which made me apply more baby lotion/oil to try and moisturise it and it just wasn't working.... anyway over time and taking things out of her bath routine and swapping them i realised it was the whole Johnson's range which was irritating her skin so i stopped using it all together and low and behold the rash went and so did her dry skin.

Why i choose to change to Cussons Mum & me
I realised for Lilly anything that's highly fragranced and has lots of chemicals in it isn't going to work with her skin, and after looking into Johnson's if i knew then what i know now even if it was fine for Lilly's skin i probably wouldn't have used it. Que me searching the Internet for what was best for Lilly and taking a trip to boots.
I came across alot of positive things about the Mum & me range and i decided to pick up a few thing from the baby collection. What also made me choose it was that it is "ultra mild" and has alot less chemicals in it and its really inexpensive.

The packaging
If like me your a pump lover you will love this! Most of their products have a pump and its so handy especially for the baby lotion i have it under Lilly's changing table and i just pump it out and rub it into her skin and its a thumbs up from me! The packaging for the Baby is white with purple writing, its clean without to much writing on the front and i like it. 

Lets face it the reason alot of us love Johnson (myself included) is because of the smell. I like Lilly to smell fresh and clean and for her skin to be soft. The range does have a scent although emollient bath wash is fragrance free. I'm rubbish with smells but it smells "clean" and i can still smell it on her skin the next day. At first i wasn't sure about the smell but i do like it and the smell will always remind me of Lilly.

Ultra Mild Head To Toe Wash £2.99
This can be used as a bubble bath, a wash and a shampoo. Lilly loves her bubbles so I'm happy it creates a small amount of bubbles in her bath. The formula is kind to baby's eyes so if some does get in your babies eyes it wont result is baby red eyes. It also contains camomile which is proven to relax and i can definitely notice this and it smells lovely too.

Emollient Bath Wash £5.99
This was actually bought by mikes mum, i have used it as its created for babies with sensitive skin and eczema prone skin. The rest of the range is fine for Lilly so i don't need to use this but its good if your baby does have really sensitive skin as its fragrance free and is a milk like consistency.

Ultra Mild Baby Lotion £2.05
This is an ultra mild lotion for baby, its really gentle on the skin and leaves Lilly's skin so soft and smooth without drying or irritating her skin, i have even used it on myself because i love it that much.

Sleep Tight Balm £3.49
Mums, if you have trouble getting your little ones to sleep i urge you to try this. If you were going to buy anything get the sleep tight balm. I'm blessed with an amazing baby who sleeps the whole night and has since about 6 weeks old but she never used to go down until between 11-12 which was fine because she sleeps until about 9-9:30 but i wanted to get her to sleep earlier. I will usually give Lilly her bath between 8-8:30 and honestly since using this she has her bottle and is asleep by 10 at the latest (most nights). How it works is its like a Vaseline style pot and you apply it to the pulse points and the natural oils and camomile help to relax and unwind.

Cussons also do a bump and new mum range and is available from most store like tesco, boots etc. Have you tried anything from the range?

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