Hi everyone. I was reading through blogger and saw Oh so Amelia, one of my favourite parent bloggers has started a 'Link up sunday' where each Sunday threes a topic and you can link your blog post's on there. I think its a great way to write new posts and meet new bloggers.
This Sunday is 'top 5 children's books'. I decided to share some of Lilly's current favourite books with you all. Lilly has books that she loves me to read to her at night before bed and others she likes to flick through the pages herself which we keep in her toy box downstairs.

'Say hello to the snowy animals' This is Lilly's favourite bed time story, each night i ask her to choose a book and 9 times out of 10 it this one. I bought it in a pack from Costco before Christmas and is a cute little story about a husky meeting other animals. Its also great for teaching new animals.
'Minnie mouse lets have a tea party' For anyone that has a child who loves Minnie mouse this is great. I think it was from m&s and as you read the story it has the little icons in the book and you press them to say different things.
This is Lilly's newest book, i bought it from a little store at a soft play we went to recently and its a new bedtime story. We are teaching Lilly animal's currently and this is also great for showing the different animals.
'waybuloo touch and feel' I used to like the touch and feel books when Lilly was a baby, but i cannot express how obsessed Lilly is with waybuloo and when i saw this short but sweet book i had to buy it her. Each page is a different character from waybullo and it says the same words which they say on the TV programme so Lilly will read along with me.
'Are you my mummy' A cute little bedtime story about a little polar bear who is looking for his mummy. its very sweet and has a little path of white fur which can be touched on each page.
There are our current top 5 favourite books. If you have written a similar post i would love to read it as I'm always looking to add to Lilly's collection.