Easter weekend has fallen on my birthday this year and we are trying to take full advantage and have a family filled week. We were planning on going to whipsnade zoo on Monday but looking at the weather yesterday the bank holiday weekend is in for some rain and we decided to make a last minuet plan and go yesterday whilst the sun was out. Turns out when we got there it turned cloudy and was really cold but we still had a good day.
Its the first time we have taken Lilly to a zoo. I thought she would love it however her attention span was about 5 seconds and with the busy crown and not being able to get close to the animals she was a little over it until we got into the little petting farm section. Lilly loves being able to stroke animals and was so excited to see these little miniature goats which you could stroke. We spent most of the day in here as she didn't want to leave them and thought they were cows and repeatedly said moo!
If anyone came to stoke the miniature goats she would look at them as if to say 'get away' and guard them. Whipsnade also have a big play area and lots of places to eat. Whilst we were walking around we saw these little animals ( I don't know what they are kind a big rabbit/kangaroo) and a female came out of her little burrow with 3 babies that had just been born and was also giving birth to another which was crazy to see.
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